Do you know Amy, I cannot say I understand where, at the philosophical level, "the most important day of your life" comes from in the relation to getting married. I've been married, and got divorced after 18 years, and whilst we did the deed in NYC on the spur of the moment, with whatever dress I decided to pull out of my suitcase that morning, it never occurred to me then that I was about to experience THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY of my life. It wasn't then. And it isn't now, 22 years after it occurred. Arguably, I feel that the most important day of my life was the one when I experienced bereavement. I was 36, I looked around the room for an adult, and realised I was it.

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Aug 4Liked by Amy Key

When I was in my 20s my brothers got married within a few years from each other. I was the only sister (of my brothers) so I was determined to be the second most beautiful woman of the wedding. In both cases I saved up and managed to find two beautiful designer dresses that I still have (and cherish), red the first and blue the second. I worn them a couple of times afterwards (now they don't fit anymore). Especially the red dress was "the Dress". I didn't get married, so I'm glad I had that.

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It sounds exhausting all that dress trying on stuff, but if you still have the quality at obe can we see that please 😁💛

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